Qness洛氏硬度计综合了坚固的结构设计和具有最佳用户便利性的数据管理界面。 通过添加可选的附加模块,可以实现精细的光学测量和全自动。
1907年, Ludwik发表了使用金刚石圆锥的压入深度来评价材料硬度的提议。此外,样品表面的影响可以通过施加初始试验力加以消除。 直到1922年,美国人Rockwell在Ludwik思路的基础上, 成功地开发初一种有用的硬度测试方法。由于该方法的简便性, 洛氏硬度测试很快被应用到工业中。
HR 30 N, HR 45 N
HRB, HRF, HRG, HR 15 T, HR 30 T, HR 45 T, HR Bm, HR Fm
t0 = 经过初始力F0后的压痕深度
Δt = 施加额外测试力F1时的附加压痕深度
tel = 释放初始力F0后的弹性回复变形
tbl = 释放初始力F0后的永久压痕深度
在HRC方法中, Z为100,刻度Skt为0.002 mm。 如果所测得的永久压痕深度为0.12 mm,C型洛氏硬度值为40HRC。
根据标准 DIN EN IS 6508-1,洛氏硬度测试结果具体表示如下:
60 HRC W ⇒ 洛氏硬度值
60 HRC W ⇒ “洛氏硬度”的通用标记符
60 HRC W ⇒ 硬度标尺符号
60 HRC W ⇒ 球压头材质的标识 (使用金刚石圆锥时不显示)
A Rockwell hardness tester is used to measure the hardness of materials, particularly metals and polymers. It provides a quick and direct hardness reading, making it ideal for quality control and material testing in manufacturing environments.
The Rockwell test involves pressing an indenter (either a steel ball or a diamond cone) into the material's surface under a preliminary minor load. Then, an additional major load is applied, and the depth of penetration is measured after removing the major load. The hardness value is determined from the depth of the indentation.
Rockwell hardness testing features multiple scales, such as A, B, C, etc., each using different indenter types and loads suitable for various materials. The most common scale for metals is the Rockwell C scale (HRC), which uses a diamond cone indenter and is often used for harder materials like steel.
Rockwell hardness testers offer rapid and straightforward testing with direct readouts, minimal sample preparation, and a wide range of scales to accommodate different materials. They are suitable for both laboratory and shop floor environments
Accuracy can be influenced by factors such as surface finish, sample thickness, and proper alignment of the indenter. It's crucial to use the correct scale for the material being tested and ensure the equipment is well-calibrated and maintained.